• Ultrasonic Measuring Device Receives Biofuel Award

Analytical instrumentation

Ultrasonic Measuring Device Receives Biofuel Award

Krohne`s (Germany) UFM 3030 won the prize for "Most advanced flow
technology for measuring biofuels" at the ISA ExpoControl 2008
international trade fair. Alternative fuels was one of the most discussed topics at this year`s fair in Mexico. Jonathan Fiedler, one of the Krohne product specialists, gave a well-attended presentation on the topic of "Measuring alternative fuels". Mexico is planning to increase the portion of domestically produced bioethanol when manufacturing automobile gas, thus promoting its own oil industry in the long term.
The UFM 3030 is a universal 3-beam in-line ultrasonic flowmeter for
liquids. It features three measuring paths which guarantee reliable
measurement, regardless of the flow profile. The advantage of ultrasonic flowmeters like the UFM 3030 is that they have
no moving parts or fixtures in the sensor, making them extremely low-wearing and virtually maintenance-free.
These characteristics were crucial when it came to the KROHNE UFM 3030`s award as the most innovative measuring solution. The jury that awards the prize is made up of two members of the ISA, two representatives of Mexico`s national oil company PEMEX, and two other industry experts.
The focus of the trade fair was process automation and it took place from 11 - 13 June in Mexico City. It is put on by the American Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society (ISA), a worldwide organization for standardization and advanced training in process automation with over 30,000 members.

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