Analytical instrumentation
SRA instruments is ready to support the challenge of the energy transition with its range of metrology certified MicroGC
Jun 09 2022
The energy transition is based on the use of renewable energy sources such as, for example, Syngas, Biogas, Biomethane and Natural Gas. Alongside these, an important role is also played by Hydrogen, an energy vector on which great trust is placed. This gas mix therefore represents the new energy source for the next few years but given the variety and the intrinsic characteristics of these gases, the analyzers responsible for their control have to use flexible technologies to adapt and respond correctly to the new variables in terms of qualitative and quantitative analysis.
To face this new challenge SRA Instruments has expanded its range of micro-gas chromatographs by developing the R series, a range of industrial analyzers ideal for continuous and process measurement. The R series incorporates technological details that give strength and flexibility to the analysis system and are the result of years of experience of installations in remote locations, where continuous measurement of the gas composition was required.
So, alongside the continuous technological development, SRA has also invested in the certification of its products. During 2021, the ISO9001 certification was extended to Legal Metrology for the manufacture, repair and quality management of devices for the fiscal measurement of the calorific value in combustible gases. The technical specifications of the SRA analyzers meet the requirements of the guidelines of the OIML-R140 standard for fiscal metrology. In particular, the R-490M model analyzer has metrological certification for determining the calorific value of biomethane, an important source of green and renewable energy. The analysis includes the measurement of all gas components and impurities (including H2S and COS), in less than 5 minutes. The results are securely transmitted via modbus protocols to a volume fiscal converter. The flexibility of the instrumental configuration allows the implementation of the measured compounds with respect to those provided for the measurement of calorific value. Additional compounds that can be monitored include odorants and terpenes / ketones.
Recently, SRA Instruments started also for the R990 M MicroGC the metrology certification process by the LNE(National Laboratory of Tests) according to the international recommendation OIML R140:2007 (OIML = International Organization of Legal Metrology). This will ensure the reliability and the reproducibility of the results, but also the reliability and the safety of the conditions of use. The metrology certification will concern the energy measurement of biomethane as well as natural gas blended with hydrogen.
This analyzer uses some of the new innovative components of the 990 Agilent MicroGC platform, and it can incorporate up to four MicroGC channels simultaneously. The 990 technology makes some differences compared to previous 490 platform: improved channel design for easier exchange (less than 10 minutes) and better robustness thanks to the use of fewer advanced connections that limits diffusion and thus to extend the instrument’s operating time.
Both MicroGCs are equipped with the Soprane CDS software, a powerful platform specifically developed for this technology, designed by SRA Instruments, which manages the gas chromatographic analysis and all the logical integration of the analyzer in the specific context of the measurement: from the automation phase of the sampling to the integration of the signals, until the transmission of the results and the alarms. Thanks to an innovative, modern and user-friendly architecture, SRA Soprane CDS is a real added value for our customers increasing the applicability of the technique also to areas outside the laboratory, such as monitoring and online analysis, solving real operational needs and improving the user experience.
In conclusion, since the previous version of metrology-certified instrumentation has already proved its worth, according to the same recommendations and standards (in fact, more than 150 analyzers from SRA have been installed for the on-line monitoring of injected biomethane); the new generation R990, with all its extended application range, will meet tomorrow's requirements for the analysis of biomethane, synthetic methane and natural gas including hydrogen compound.
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