Essential Environment 34th Edition A Comprehensive Guide to UK and EU Environmental Protection Legislation
Loveday Murley Paperback
**ILM Publications has NOW published the 35th Edition of Essential Environment in partnership with Environmental Protection UK.** Please click here to view the latest edition.
Essential Environment 34th Edition (formerly the Pollution Control Handbook) is the comprehensive guide to UK and EU environmental protection legislation.
Written in clear, simple language, the 2012 Essential Environment handbook cuts through the legal jargon and provides comprehensive and up-to-date information and guidance.
Topics covered include: - Industrial pollution control - Air quality and air pollution, climate change, transport pollution - Environmental and neighbourhood noise, statutory nuisance - Local environmental quality - Waste management, land quality, contaminated land - Water pollution, marine pollution, pesticides, and agricultural pollution - Sustainable development, land use planning.
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Table of Contents
Early Controls
1.1 Alkali Acts & Best Practicable Means
1.2 Emissions to Atmosphere
1.3 Pollution Inspectorates
Regulatory Agencies
1.4 Environment Agency, England & Wales
1.4.1 Aims and Objectives
1.4.2 Functions
1.4.3 Pollution Control Responsibilities
1.4.4 Enforcement and Prosecution
1.4.5 Consultation
1.4.6 Pollution Inventory
1.5 Scottish Environment Protection Agency
1.5.1 Aims and Objectives
1.5.2 Pollution Control Responsibilities
1.5.3 Enforcement and Prosecution
1.5.4 Pollution Inventory
1.6 Northern Ireland Environment Agency
1.6.1 Pollution Control Responsibilities
1.6.2 Enforcement Policy
1.7 Local Authorities
1.7.1 England and Wales
1.7.2 Scotland
1.7.3 Northern Ireland
1.7.4 Better Regulation Delivery Office
1.8 Health & Safety Executive
1.9 Conservation Bodies
1.9.1 Natural England
1.9.2 Countryside Council, Wales
1.9.3 Scottish Natural Heritage
1.9.4 Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control
1.10 IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC
1.10.1 Industrial Emissions Directive
1.10.2 Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
1.10.3 UK Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
1.10.4 Best Available Techniques
1.10.5 Environmental Inspections
1.10.6 Environmental Crime
1.11 Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999
1.11.1 Designation of Directives for Purposes of PPC
1.11.2 Penalties – Emissions Trading
1.12 Environment (Northern Ireland) Order 2002
Environmental Permitting (E & W)
1.13 Environmental Permitting Regulations
1.13.1 Overview
1.13.2 Guidance
1.13.3 Exempt Facilities
1.13.4 Grant of Environmental Permits
1.13.5 Consultation & Public Participation
1.13.6 Permits and Conditions
1.13.7 Standard Rules
1.13.8 Variation of Permit
1.13.9 Transfer of Permit
1.13.10 Revocation of Permit
1.13.11 Surrender of Permit
1.13.12 Appeals
1.13.13 Inspection and Compliance Monitoring
1.13.14 Enforcement & Suspension Notices
1.13.15 Offences
1.13.16 Public Registers
1.13.17 Powers to Remedy or Prevent Pollution
1.13.18 Information, Directions & Guidance
1.13.19 Fees & Charges
1.14 Powers of Entry
PPC, Scotland & NI
1.15 Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations
1.15.1 PPC Regulations – Scotland, Overview
1.15.2 PPC Regulations – N. Ireland, Overview
1.15.3 Guidance
1.15.4 Application for a Permit
1.15.5 Timescale for Determination of Application
1.15.6 Consultation
1.15.7 Grant of Permit
1.15.8 Standard Rules & General Binding Rules
1.15.9 Low Impact Installations
1.15.10 Variations
1.15.11 Transfer of Permits
1.15.12 Surrendering a Permit
1.15.13 Revocation of Permit
1.15.14 Fees and Charges
1.15.15 Enforcement
1.15.16 Remedying & Preventing Pollution
1.15.17 Appeals
1.15.18 Public Registers
1.15.19 Offences
1.15.20 Information, Directions and Guidance
1.16 Powers of Entry
Large Combustion Plant
1.17 Large Combustion Plant
1.17.1 LCP Regulations (Scotland, N. Ireland)
1.17.2 National Emission Reduction Plan
1.17.3 LCP Transitional National Plan
Solvent Emissions
1.18 Solvent Emissions
1.18.1 EU VOC Directive 99/13/EC
1.18.2 Solvent Emissions Regulations (Scotland, N. Ireland)
1.18.3 EU Directive Limiting Emissions from Paints & Varnishes
1.18.4 Paints, Varnishes & Vehicle Refinishing Products
Major Accident Hazards
1.19 EU Directives – Major Accident Hazards
1.20 COMAH Regulations
1.21 Incident Response Planning
1.22 COSHH Regulations
1.23 Control of Asbestos at Work
1.23.1 EU Directives
1.23.2 UK Regulations
1.24 Control of Lead at Work
1.25 CHIP Regulations
1.26 REACH
1.26.1 EU Regulation
1.26.2 UK Regulations
Transboundary Air Pollution
2.1 Convention on Long Range Transboundary Pollution
2.1.1 Sulphur Protocols
2.1.2 Nitrogen Oxides Protocol
2.1.3 “Multi-Effect” Protocol
2.1.4 VOC Protocol
2.1.5 Heavy Metals
2.1.6 Persistent Organic Pollutants
2.1.7 Evaluation & Monitoring Programme
2.2 EU Strategy
2.2.1 National Emission Ceilings
2.2.2 Large Combustion Plant
2.2.3 Sulphur Content of Liquid Fuels
2.2.4 Sulphur Dioxide Control Areas
Industrial Smoke Control
2.3 Clean Air Act 1993
2.3.1 Part I: Dark Smoke.
2.3.2 Part II: Smoke, Grit, Dust & Fumes
2.3.3 Part III: Smoke Control
2.3.4 Part IV: Control of Certain Forms of Air Pollution
2.3.5 Part V: Information about Air Pollution
2.3.6 Part VI: Special Cases
2.3.7 Part VII: Miscellaneous & General
2.4 Sources and Effects
2.4.1 Natural Sources
2.4.2 Artificial Sources
2.4.3 Effects of Radiation
2.4.4 Radiation Exposure Limits
2.5 Regulatory Controls
2.5.1 Ionising Radiations
2.5.2 Emergency Preparedness & Public Information
Climate Change
3.1 International Conventions and Protocols
3.1.1 Kyoto Protocol
3.1.2 Post Kyoto
3.1.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships
3.2 Climate Change & the EU
3.2.1 Climate Action and Renewable Energy
3.2.2 Climate Change Programme
3.2.3 Emissions Trading
3.2.4 Carbon Dioxide
3.2.5 Energy Efficiency
3.2.6 Methane
3.2.7 Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases
3.3 Climate Change & the UK
3.3.1 Climate Change Programmes
3.3.2 Emissions Trading
3.3.3 Climate Change Act
3.3.4 Low Carbon Transition Plan
3.3.5 Climate Change Act, Scotland
3.3.6 Carbon Capture and Storage
3.3.7 Climate Change & Sustainable Energy Act 2006
3.3.8 CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme
3.3.9 Home Energy Conservation Act 1995
3.3.10 Energy Efficiency in Buildings
3.3.11 Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases
Air Pollution and Health
3.4 WHO Air Quality Guidelines
Air Quality – EU
3.5 CAFÉ & the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution
3.6 Ambient Air Quality Directive
3.6.1 Heavy Metals in Ambient Air
3.6.2 Exchange of Air Pollution Data
Air Quality – UK
3.7 National Air Quality Strategy
3.8 Local Air Quality Management
3.8.1 Local Authority Functions and Duties
3.8.2 Guidance for Local Authorities
3.8.3 Reserve Powers of Secretary of State
3.8.4 County Council Functions
3.9 Regulations
3.9.1 Air Quality Regulations
3.9.2 Vehicle Emissions (Fixed Penalty) Regulations
3.9.3 Air Quality Standards Regulations
3.10 Monitoring Networks
3.11 Research & Advice
3.12 Air Quality Information
3.13 Indoor Air Quality
Depletion of the Ozone Layer
3.14 Montreal Protocol
3.15 EU & UK Regulations
Road Vehicles and Air Pollution
4.1 Overview
4.1.1 Transport Strategies
4.1.2 Low Carbon Transport Strategies
4.1.3 Traffic Growth
4.1.4 Planning and Transport
4.1.5 European Programmes
4.2 UK Regulatory Overview
4.2.1 Construction & Use
4.2.2 Type Approval
4.2.3 Road Traffic Reduction Acts
4.2.4 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
4.3 Light Duty Vehicles
4.3.1 Euro 1
4.3.2 Euro 2
4.3.3 Euro 3 and 4
4.3.4 Euro 5 and 6
4.4 Light Commercial Vehicles
4.5 Motorcycles & Mopeds
4.6 Heavy Duty Vehicles
4.6.1 Euro III-V
4.6.2 Euro VI
4.6.3 Charging for Environmental Impacts
4.7 Non-Road Mobile Machinery
4.8 Agricultural & Forestry Tractors
4.9 Carbon Dioxide Emissions
4.9.1 EU Regulation on Reducing CO2 for Vehicles
4.9.2 UK Measures for Reducing CO2 from Cars
4.9.3 Clean & Efficient Vehicles
4.10 Fuels and Fuel Quality
4.10.1 EU Fuel Quality Directives
4.10.2 Biofuels
4.10.3 Composition of Fuels
4.11 Petrol Storage & Distribution
4.11.1 EU Directives
4.11.2 UK Regulations
4.12 Compliance Testing
4.12.1 EU Roadworthiness Testing
4.12.2 Compliance with Emission Standards
4.12.3 Vehicle Testing
4.12.4 Vehicle Emissions Regulations
4.13 Low Emission Zones
4.14 Tyres
4.14.1 Type Approval of Tyres
4.14.2 Tyre Labelling
Road Vehicles and Noise
4.15 Overview
4.16 Transport Noise and Health
4.17 Cars, Light Goods Vehicles
4.18 Motorcycles
4.19 Other Controls – Traffic Noise
Rail Noise
4.20 EU Communication on Rail Noise
4.21 Noise Insulation
4.22 Train Horns
4.23 Overview – Aviation Policy
4.23.1 ICAO
4.23.2 Planning Controls
4.24 Aircraft Emissions to Atmosphere
4.25 Aircraft and Noise
4.25.1 Introduction
4.25.2 The EU & Aircraft Noise
4.25.3 Environmental Noise Directive
4.26 Civil Aviation Acts
4.26.1 Environmental Considerations
4.26.2 Consultation Facilities
4.26.3 Aerodrome charges
4.26.4 Noise control schemes
4.26.5 Designated Airports
4.27 Noise Restrictions’ Regulations
4.28 Rules of the Air
4.29 Emissions Certification
4.30 Helicopters
Shipping Emissions
4.31 International Conventions
4.31.1 MARPOL
4.31.2 Bunkers Convention
4.32 European Union
4.32.1 Marine Strategy Directive
4.32.2 EU Strategy on Reducing Atmospheric Emissions from Ships
4.32.3 Ship source pollution
4.32.4 Ship Generated Waste
4.33 UK Regulations
4.33.1 Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Act 1997
4.33.2 Merchant Shipping (Pollution) Act 2006
4.33.3 Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
4.33.4 Ship Generated Waste
4.33.5 Oil Pollution
4.34 Recreational Craft
Noise – General
5.1 Introduction to Noise
5.1.1 Defining & Measuring Noise
5.1.2 Health Effects of Noise
5.1.3 Noise Policy Statement – England
5.1.4 Noise Strategy -– London
5.1.5 EU Noise Reduction Programmes
5.1.6 Planning Controls
5.1.7 Regulatory Authorities
5.1.8 Complaints
Environmental Noise
5.2 Environmental Noise Directive
5.2.1 Noise Indicators
5.2.2 Noise Maps
5.2.3 Action Plans
5.2.4 Reporting
5.3 Environmental Noise Regulations
5.3.1 Competent Authorities
5.3.2 Identification of Noise Sources
5.3.3 Strategic Noise Maps
5.3.4 Identification of Quiet Areas
5.3.5 Action Plans
5.3.6 Information to the Public
Neighbourhood Noise
5.4 Statutory Noise Nuisance.139
5.5 Control of Pollution Act 1974, Part III 5.5.1 Construction Sites ............140
5.5.2 Noise in Streets
5.5.3 Noise Abatement Zones
5.5.4 Codes of Practice
5.5.5 Best Practicable Means
5.5.6 Other Sections of COPA
5.6 Noise & Statutory Nuisance Act 1993
5.6.1 Statutory Nuisance – Noise in Street
5.6.2 Loudspeakers
5.6.3 Audible Intruder Alarms
5.6.4 Recovery of Expenses
5.7 Noise Act 1996
5.7.1 Night-time Noise Nuisances
5.7.2 Seizure of Noise-making Equipment
5.8 Noise Nuisance (Scotland)
5.9 Audible Intruder Alarms (E & W, NI)
5.10 Building Regulations
Events & Licensed Premises
5.11 Licensing Controls
5.11.1 Licensing Act 2003 (E & W)
5.11.2 Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982
5.11.3 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (NI) Order 1985
5.12 Statutory Nuisance
5.13 Closure of Licensed Premises
5.14 Illegal Raves
5.15 Fireworks
5.15.1 Fireworks Regulations
Low Frequency Noise
5.16 An Overview
Industrial and Construction Sites
5.17 Control of Pollution Act 1974
5.18 Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control
5.19 Noise from Waste Management Sites
Noise from Machinery and Equipment
5.20 EU Directives Limiting Machinery Noise
5.21 Limiting Noise from Outdoor Equipment
5.22 Noise from Household Appliances
Noise and Vibration in the Workplace
5.23 EU Directives – Physical Agents (Noise)
5.24 UK Noise at Work Regulations
6.1 Statutory Nuisance
6.1.1 Statutory Nuisances
6.1.2 Action by Local Authorities
6.1.3 Action by Individuals
6.1.4 Statutory Nuisance Appeals
6.2 Public Nuisance
6.3 Private Nuisance
6.4 Anti-Social Behaviour (E, W, S)
6.5 Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005 (E, W)
6.6 Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2011 (NI)
6.7 Regulatory Controls
6.7.1 Offence of Littering
6.7.2 Fixed Penalty Notices
6.7.3 Litter Control Areas (Scotland)
6.7.4 Litter Abatement Notices
6.7.5 Litter Clearing Notices (E & W, NI)
6.7.6 Street Litter Control Notices
6.7.7 Distribution of Free Literature
6.7.8 Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse
6.8 Odour as a Statutory Nuisance
6.9 Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control
6.10 Water Services etc (Scotland) Act 2005
Waste Management – An Introduction
7.1 Waste – General
7.1.1 Types of Waste
7.1.2 Waste Statistics
7.1.3 Planning Controls
7.1.4 Planning Policy
7.2 Regulatory Agencies
7.2.1 Environment Agency, England & Wales
7.2.2 Scottish Environment Protection Agency
7.2.3 Northern Ireland Environment Agency
7.3 Local Authorities
7.3.1 Collection of Controlled Waste
7.3.2 Removal of Unlawfully Deposited Waste
7.3.3 Interference with Waste & Waste Sites
7.3.4 Municipal Waste Management Strategies (E & W)
7.3.5 Waste Recycling Credits
7.3.6 Waste Recycling Facilities
7.3.7 Waste Minimisation
Waste Framework Directive
7.4 Waste Framework Directive
7.5 UK Implementation of Waste Framework Directive
7.6 Waste Regulations 2011 (E & W, NI)
7.6.1 Waste Prevention Programmes
7.6.2 Waste Management Plans
7.6.3 Public Participation and Review
7.6.4 Improved Use of Waste as a Resource
7.6.5 Duties of Planning Authorities
7.6.6 Deposits in the Sea
7.6.7 Registration of Carriers, Brokers & Dealers
7.6.8 Transfer Documents
7.6.9 Enforcement
7.7 Offences
Waste Strategies and Plans
7.8 EU Thematic Strategy
7.9 National Waste Strategies (E, W, NI)
7.9.1 Waste Strategy for England
7.9.2 Wise About Waste, Wales
7.9.3 Towards Resource Management, Northern Ireland
7.10 National Waste Management Plan, Scotland
7.10.1 Zero Waste Scotland
7.11 Waste Management Plans
7.11.1 Northern Ireland
7.11.2 England and Wales
7.11.3 Scotland
Duty of Care
7.12 Duty of Care Regulations
Waste Management Licensing – Sc & NI
7.13 Waste Management Licensing Regulations
7.13.1 Requirement for a Licence
7.13.2 Exclusions from Licensing
7.13.3 Exemptions from Licensing
7.13.4 Licence Applications
7.13.5 Consideration of Applications
7.13.6 Variation of Licence
7.13.7 Revocation & Suspension of Licence
7.13.8 Surrender of Site Licence
7.13.9 Transfer of Licences
7.13.10 Appeals
7.13.11 Supervision of Licensed Activities
7.13.12 Acceptance of Waste
7.13.13 Public Registers
7.13.14 Annual Reports, Northern Ireland
7.13.15 Fit & Proper Person
7.13.16 Fees & charges
7.14 Powers of Entry
Transport of Waste
7.15 Registration of Carriers & Seizure of Vehicles
7.15.1 Regulation – England, Wales & N. Ireland
7.15.2 Regulation – Scotland
7.16 Exemptions from Registration
7.16.1 Exemptions – England, Wales & N. Ireland
7.16.2 Exemptions – Scotland
7.17 Seizure of Vehicle
7.18 EU Landfill Directive
7.19 Landfill Regulations (Scotland, NI)
7.20 Landfill Allowances
7.21 Landfill Tax
Mine and Quarry Waste
7.22 EU Directive on Mine and Quarry Waste
7.23 UK Implementation
7.23.1 Implementation of MWD – England & Wales
7.23.2 Management of Extractive Waste – Scotland
7.23.3 Management of Extractive Waste – N. Ireland
Waste Incineration
7.24 EU Directive on Waste Incineration
7.25 Waste Incineration Regulations (Scotland, NI)
Hazardous Waste
7.26 List of Wastes Regulations
7.27 Hazardous Waste Regulation (E, W, NI)
7.28 Special Waste Regulations (Scotland)
7.29 Transfrontier Shipment of Hazardous Waste
7.29.1 EU Regulation on Transfrontier Shipments
7.29.2 Basel Convention on Transboundary Movements of HW
7.29.3 UK Regulations on Transfrontier Waste Shipments
7.29.4 UK Waste Shipments Plan207
Dangerous Substances
7.30 PCB & PCTs
7.30.1 EU Directives on PCBs & PCTs
7.30.2 Disposal of PCBs
7.31 Batteries & Accumulators
7.31.1 EU Directive on Batteries & Accumulators
7.31.2 Batteries & Accumulators (Placing on the Market)
7.31.3 Batteries & Accumulators (Producer Responsibility)
7.31.4 Batteries & Accumulators (Treatment & Recycling)
End of Life Vehicles
7.32 EU Directive on End of Life Vehicles
7.33 UK Regulations on End of Life Vehicles
7.33.1 End of Life Vehicles Regulations
7.33.2 ELV Producer Responsibility Regulations
Electrical & Electronic Equipment
7.34 EU Directives
7.34.1 Waste EEE
7.34.2 Hazardous Substances in EEE
7.35 UK Regulations
7.35.1 WEEE Regulations
7.35.2 WEEE & Waste Management Licensing (Scotland, NI)
7.35.3 Hazardous EEE
Packaging Waste
7.36 EU Directive Packaging Waste
7.37 UK Regulations
7.37.1 Producer Responsibility – Packaging Waste
7.37.2 Packaging, Essential Requirements
Radioactive Waste
7.38 UK Strategy on Radioactive Discharges
7.39 Disposal of Radioactive Waste
7.39.1 Risk Criteria for Disposal
7.39.2 Long-Term Disposal of HLW
7.39.3 Long-Term Disposal of LLW
7.40 Regulatory Agencies
7.41 Nuclear Installations
7.42 Ionising Radiation
7.43 Radioactive Substances Act 1993
7.43.1 Registration for Users of Radioactive Materials
7.43.2 Authorisation of Disposal & Accumulation of Radioactive Waste
7.43.3 Enforcement & Prohibition Notices
7.43.4 Appeals
7.43.5 Powers of SoS to deal with Accumulation & Disposal of Radioactive Waste
7.43.6 Offences
7.43.7 Public Access to Documents & Records
7.44 Fees & Charging
7.45 Powers of Entry
7.46 Transfrontier Shipment of Radioactive Waste
7.46.1 Euratom Directive on Shipments of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel
7.46.2 UK Regulations on Shipments of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel
Biological Diversity
8.1 Convention on Biological Diversity
8.1.1 Cartagena Protocol
8.2 EU Biodiversity Strategy
8.3 UK Biodiversity Action Plans
8.3.1 England
8.3.2 Wales
8.3.3 Scotland
8.3.4 Northern Ireland
Agriculture and Air Pollution
8.4 Pollution Prevention and Control
8.5 Smoke and Nuisance
8.5.1 Clean Air Act 1993
8.5.2 Environmental Protection Act 1990
8.5.3 Crop Residues (Burning) Regulations 1993 (E & W)
8.5.4 Heather and Grass Burning (E & W)
8.5.5 Heather Burning – Scotland
8.5.6 Straw & Heather Burning – Northern Ireland
Agriculture & Waste Management
8.6 Agriculture Waste Regulations
8.7 Hazardous Waste
8.8 Farm Plastics
8.9 Land Spreading
Agriculture & Water Pollution
8.10 Nitrates
8.10.1 EU Directive Restricting the use of Fertilisers
8.10.2 Nitrate Regulations – England
8.10.3 Nitrate Regulations – Wales
8.10.4 Nitrate Regulations – Scotland
8.10.5 Nitrate Regulations – Northern Ireland
8.11 Silage, Slurry & Agricultural Fuel Oil
8.11.1 Regulations – England and Wales
8.11.2 Regulations – Scotland
8.11.3 Regulations – Northern Ireland
8.12 Catchment Sensitive Farming
Codes of Practice
8.13 England
8.14 Scotland
8.15 Wales
8.16 Northern Ireland
8.17 EU Measures
8.17.1 Thematic Strategy
8.17.2 Plant Protection Products
8.17.3 Sustainable Use of Pesticides
8.17.4 Biocides
8.18 UK Pesticide Controls
8.18.1 National Pesticides Strategy
8.18.2 Food & Environment Safety Act 1985, Part III
8.18.3 Pesticides Act 1998
8.18.4 Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986
8.18.5 Biocidal Products
8.18.6 COSHH Regulations
8.18.7 Codes of Practice
Genetically Modified Organisms
8.19 Contained Use Regulations
8.20 Deliberate Release
8.21 Managing Co-existence of GM and Non-GM Crops
Soil Protection
9.1 EU Soil Thematic Strategy
9.2 UK Soil Strategies
9.2.1 Safeguarding our Soils (England)
9.2.2 Scottish Soil Framework
9.3 Soil Guideline Values
Contaminated Land
9.4 Planning Policy
9.4.1 England
9.4.2 Wales
9.4.3 Scotland
9.4.4 Northern Ireland
9.5 Contaminated Land Regulations – Overview
9.5.1 England
9.5.2 Wales
9.5.3 Scotland
9.5.4 Northern Ireland
9.6 Contaminated Land Regulations – Detail
9.6.1 Identification of Contaminated Land & Designation of Special Sites
9.6.2 Remediation Notices
9.6.3 Remediation Declarations & Statements
9.6.4 Appeals
9.6.5 Powers of Enforcing Authority to carry out Remediation
9.6.6 Special Sites
9.6.7 Public Registers
9.6.8 Reports on the State of Contaminated Land
10.1 EU Directive
10.2 UK Regulations
10.2.1 England
10.2.2 Wales
10.2.3 Scotland
10.2.4 Northern Ireland
10.3 The Lugano Convention
Brief History of Water Pollution
11.1 Early Legislation on Water Pollution
11.1.1 Controls on Discharges to Rivers
11.1.2 Control of Pollution Act 1974, Part II
Overview Legislative Framework
11.2 England and Wales
11.2 1 Environment Agency
11.2.2 Water Strategies
11.2.3 Legislative Overview
11.2.4 Powers of Entry
11.2.5 River Quality
11.3 Scotland
11.3.1 Scottish Environment Protection Agency
11.3.2 Legislative Overview
11.3.3 River Quality
11.4 Northern Ireland
11.4.1 NI Environment Agency
11.4.2 Legislative Overview
11.4.3 River Quality
International Conventions
11.5 Transboundary Watercourses
11.6 Water and Health
Framework Directive on Water Policy
11.7 EU Framework Directive on Water Policy
11.7.1 General Principles
11.7.2 River Basin Management
11.7.3 List of Priority Substances
11.7.4 Environmental Quality Standards
11.8 UK Implementation of Framework Directive
11.9 England and Wales
11.9.1 River Basin Management
11.9.2 Environmental Quality Standards
11.9.3 Diffuse Pollution
11.9.4 England-Scotland RBDs
11.9.5 Water Protection Zones
11.9.6 Anti-Pollution Works
11.10 Scotland
11.10.1 River Basin Management
11.10.2 Controlled Activities Regulations
11.11 Northern Ireland
11.11.1 Water Abstraction and Impoundment
11.11.2 Anti-Pollution Works
Flood Risk Management
11.12 EU Directive on Assessment & Management of Floods
11.13 Flood Risk Management
11.13.1 England & Wales
11.13.2 Scotland
11.13.3 Northern Ireland
Dangerous Substances
11.14 EU Directive – Discharges into the Aquatic Environment
11.14.1 Black List Substances
11.14.2 Grey List Substances
11.15 Surface Waters (Dangerous Substances) Regulations
11.16 EU Groundwater Directive
11.17 UK Groundwater Regulations
11.17.1 England and Wales
11.17.2 Scotland
11.17.3 Northern Ireland
Freshwater Fish & Shellfish Waters
11.18 EU Directives
11.19 UK Regulations
11.19.1 Fishlife
11.19.2 Shellfish
Discharges to Controlled Waters (NI)
11.20 Consents to Discharge
11.20.1 Application for a Consent
11.20.2 Consultation & Determination
11.20.3 Appeals
11.20.4 Pollution Control Registers
11.20.5 Fees and Charges
11.20.6 Enforcement Notices
11.21 Abandoned Mines
Oil Storage
11.22 Oil Storage Regulations
11.22.1 England
11.22.2 Scotland
11.22.3 Northern Ireland
Drinking Water
11.23 Regulatory Agencies
11.23.1 Drinking Water Inspectorate, E & W
11.23.2 Drinking Water Quality Regulator, Scotland
11.23.2 Drinking Water Inspectorate, NI
11.23.4 Local authorities
11.24 EU Drinking Water Directive
11.25 World Health Organisation Guidelines
11.26 Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations
11.27 Water Industry Act 1991 (England & Wales)
11.27.1 General Obligations of Undertakers
11.27.2 Waste, Contamination & Misuse of Water
11.27.3 Local Authority Functions
11.28 Abstraction for Drinking Water
11.29 Private Water Supplies
11.29.1 England & Wales
11.29.2 Scotland
11.29.3 Northern Ireland
11.30 Drinking Water Supplies in Public Buildings
Bathing Water
11.31 EU Bathing Water Directive
11.32 UK Bathing Waters Regulations
11.32.1 1991 Regulations (NI 1993)
11.32.2 2008 Regulations
11.32.3 UK Bathing Water Results
Industrial Waste Water
11.33 EU Urban Waste Water Directive
11.34 UK Regulations
11.34.1 Urban Waste Water Regulations
11.34.2 Codes of Practice
11.34.3 Sewerage Services
11.34.4 Trade Effluent.
12.1 International Conventions
12.1.1 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
12.1.2 The London Convention
12.1.3 The OSPAR Convention
12.1.4 Ship Recycling
12.1.5 Liability for Damage
12.2 North Sea Conferences
12.3 Marine Strategies
12.3.1 Marine Strategy Framework Directive
12.3.2 UK Marine Strategy Regulations
12.4 UK Programmes to Protect the Marine Environment
12.4.1 Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009
12.4.2 Marine (Scotland) Act 2010
12.4.3 Offshore Installations
Sustainable Development
13.1 EU Strategy
13.2 UK Strategy
13.2.1 Securing the Future, UK
13.2.2 Mainstreaming Sustainable Development
13.2.3 One Wales: One Planet
13.2.3 Sustainable Scotland
13.2.4 First Steps Towards Sustainability, NI
Planning – England and Wales
14.1 The Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
14.1.1 Regional Strategies
14.1.2 Local Development (E)
14.1.3 Development Control (E & W)
14.1.4 Development Plans (W)
14.1.5 Crown Immunity (E, W, S)
14.1.6 Compulsory Purchase (E & W)
14.2 Planning Act 2008 (England)
14.2.1 Major Infrastructure Planning Unit
14.2.2 Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects
14.2.3 Application Procedure
14.2.4 National Policy Statements
14.2.5 Community Infrastructure Levy
14.3 General Permitted Development
14.3.1 GPD for Microgeneration – England
14.3.2 GPD for Microgeneration – Wales
14.4 Planning & Energy Act 2008 – E & W
14.5 Planning Guidance
14.5.1 England
14.5.2 Wales
Planning - Scotland
14.6 Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006
14.6.1 National Planning Framework
14.6.2 Development Plans
14.6.3 Development Management
14.6.4 Permited Development – Scotland
14.7 Planning Policy
Planning – Northern Ireland
14.8 The Planning Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 2006
Planning – Hazardous Substances
14.9 The Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990
14.9.1 Hazardous Substances Consent
14.9.2 Planning for Hazardous Substances
Environmental Appraisal & Assessment
14.10 Strategic Environmental Assessment
14.10.1 SEA Directive
14.10.2 SEA Regulations (E, W, NI)
14.10.3 Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act
14.11 Environmental Impact Assessment
14.11.1 EIA Directive
14.11.2 EIA for Transboundary Projects
14.11.3 EIA of Planning Projects in the UK
Environmental Risk Assessment
15.1 An Overview
15.1.1 Policy Context
15.1.2 General Powers
15.2 Environmental Risk Assessment for Pollution Control
15.2.1 Environmental Planning
15.2.2 IPPC and COMAH
15.2.3 Waste Management
15.2.4 Contaminated Land
15.2.5 Radioactive Waste & Risk Assessment
15.2.6 Groundwater Regulations
International Conventions
16.1 Aarhus Convention
16.1.1 Access to Information
16.1.2 Public Participation
16.1.3 Access to Justice
16.1.4 Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
European Union
16.2 EU Directives
16.2.1 Access to Information
16.2.2 Public Participation
United Kingdom
16.3 UK Freedom of Information Acts
16.3. Environmental Information Regulations (E, W, NI)
16.3.2 Environmental Information Regulations (S)
17.1 Environmental Management
17.2 Environmental Auditing
17.3 EMAS in the UK
18.1 Members of the European Union
18.2 European Union Treaties
18.2.1 Treaty of Rome
18.2.2 Single European Act
18.2.3 Maastricht Treaty
18.2.4 Amsterdam Treaty
18.2.5 Treaty of Nice
18.2.6 Lisbon Treaty
18.3 Polluter Pays Principle
18.4 Legislative and Institutional Procedures
18.5 European Environment Agency
18.6 Action Programmes on the Environment
18.6.1 Fifth Action Programme on the Environment
18.6.2 Sixth Action Programme on the Environment
18.6.3 Seventh Action Programme on the Environment
18.7 Thematic Strategies
Author Biography
Loveday Murley is responsible for compiling and editing Essential Environment (formerly the Pollution Control Handbook) and Essential Environment Online for Environmental Technology Publications.
Both the book and website were formerly produced by Environmental Protection UK (EPUK) for whom Loveday worked for over 20 years with responsibility for the editing and production of all their publications.
During her time at EPUK Loveday also edited publications for the International Union of Air Pollution and Environmental Protection Organisations, including two editions of Clean Air Around the World - National Approaches to Air Pollution Control.
Prior to joining EPUK Loveday worked for the International Organisation of Consumers’ Unions (based in The Hague) and the National Consumer Council.
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